Support the Land Trust of Virginia
Your gift will protect important wildlife habitats, clean water, farmland, and forestry in Virginia. You will also inspire families and children, the future leaders of conservation, to experience and care about the special places of the region—something conservation needs to flourish for generations. As a community conservation organization, we cannot do this work without you. Together, we can accomplish great conservation. We can only do it together—won’t you join us? Your gift delivers the help we need now. We’ve made it safe and easy to make your donation online.
The Land Trust of Virginia (LTV) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.
Make a Donation
Donate to the Land Trust of Virginia... and create a conservation legacy that lasts forever!
Yes! I want to give to LTV and help protect Virginia’s open spaces!
Gifts of Stocks & Securities
A gift of stock is a great way to help avoid capital gains taxes, receive an income tax deduction, and support land conservation throughout Virginia.
Your support will make a big difference and help protect important wildlife habitats, clean water, farmland, historic sites, and forestry throughout the state.
A great way to invest in the future of Virginia!
Support LTV's work by giving a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds and reap the benefits. Not only will you be helping to conserve land, but a gift of appreciated securities will also offer you significant benefits. These include an immediate charitable deduction for the stock's full market value and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would usually be due upon sale. You must have held the stock for at least one year. For more information on making a stock transfer, please contact Ashton Cole, Executive Director, at (540-687-8441) or email him at ashton@landtrustva.org, and he will be happy to help you.
Wills & Bequests
Looking out for tomorrow, with a planned gift today.
For conservation to endure, we need to connect people from all walks of life to the special places in Virginia—and you can make that happen. Planning your estate is an important way to provide for your loved ones. It is also a great way to achieve your philanthropic goals and ensure that the natural world and places you cherish remain and thrive for generations to come.
Perhaps you would like to help LTV in a more significant way but feel you cannot make a substantial gift today. When you leave a gift through your will to Land Trust of Virginia, your vision for the future lives on. Your contribution will help ensure that farms are conserved, wildlife habitats stay intact, and the young people of Virginia put down their tablets or phones and connect to the natural world in meaningful ways.

Previous LTV Board Member Steffanie Burgevin created Land Trust of Virginia Legacy Giving Fund to provide the support needed to ensure that the Land Trust’s protected lands will be protected forever. Like Steffanie, you can make a greater impact that goes beyond this lifetime. A gift through your will or trust ensures the future protection of the places you love and creates a lasting legacy of conservation.
There are many options and types of planned gifts for you to consider; here are just a few:
Leave the Land Trust of Virginia a gift through your will or revocable living trust. Example language to donate via your will: “I hereby give to Land Trust of Virginia, a nonprofit located in Middleburg, Virginia, with a physical address of 119 The Plains Road, Suite 200, Middleburg, VA 20117, and a mailing address of PO Box 14, Middleburg, VA 20118, and with a tax identification number of 54-1601471, the sum of __________ dollars for its general purposes and the use at the discretion of Land Trust of Virginia’s Trust’s Board of Directors.” [or describe other gifts or assets]
Name Land Trust of Virginia as a Beneficiary
Designate Land Trust of Virginia as a beneficiary of your bank account, retirement or pension plan, or life insurance policy.
Appreciated Assets
Donate securities (i.e., stock), personal property, real estate, and insurance policies. Talk to your legal or financial adviser to learn more about ways you can include Land Trust of Virginia in your estate plans.
If you would like to make a charitable bequest, name the Land Trust of Virginia as a beneficiary, or donate appreciated assets, please contact Ashton Cole, Executive Director, with your inquiries. He can be reached by email at ashton@landtrustva.org for confidential discussions related to planned giving options.
Charitable Distribution from an IRA
A gift that keeps on giving! You can make a contribution directly from your traditional IRA without it being considered a taxable distribution.
If you have a traditional IRA, did you know that once you are 72 or older, you are required to make a minimum distribution from your IRA every year? And that this triggers taxes? But there is another way. You can make a contribution directly from your traditional IRA to a qualified charity, like the Land Trust of Virginia, and up to $100,000, without it being considered a taxable distribution.
This year-end distribution is a great way to make a difference and increase the pace of conservation. For more information on making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), please contact your financial advisor or Ashton Cole, LTV's Executive Director, at ashton@landtrustva.org, and he will be happy to help you.
Gifts of Land or Property
Are you interested in donating your house, a second home or business, a retirement home, or a piece of property? If so, you would likely receive a tax deduction for the full value of your gift.
The Land Trust of Virginia accepts gifts of real estate, such as residential or commercial properties, specifically for the purpose of re-selling and then using the funds to further our outreach and conservation work.
These gifts can make a significant impact on the conservation of land in Virginia.
If you have any questions about whether a gift is suitable or need to clarify the next steps, please contact Ashton Cole, Executive Director, at ashton@landtrustva.org; he will be happy to help.
Monthly Giving: LTV’s L.A.N.D. Program!
Join as a Landscape And Nature Defender to make a difference.
Help save the land we need and love forever! LTV’s L.A.N.D. program directs more dollars to our mission.
When you sign up to become a monthly Landscape and Nature Defender (LAND), you make a generous, recurring contribution in an amount that fits your budget. Monthly giving is a sustainable way to donate, with less administrative costs for LTV and less paper, and it contributes to the longevity of our program by providing regular support.
Join our L.A.N.D. community and receive exclusive content quarterly showing how your contribution has helped make a difference. You will be conserving more land—keeping it from the threat of development. Conserving land helps keep water clean, helps preserve historical places, preserves working farms that produce our food, and protects the forests and wetlands that support our wildlife.
This is how conservation works in our world: one person, one action, one day at a time. That’s what makes the difference.
L.A.N.D. program subscribers of at least $15 monthly will receive two complimentary tickets to an exclusive LTV event. You can easily set up your giving through convenient, automatic monthly payments.
For more information, please contact Kerry Roszel, Development Manager, at kerry@landtrustva.org or (540) 687-8441. The Land Trust of Virginia (LTV) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.
Tribute and Honor
Gifts honoring a friend or family member are lasting and deeply meaningful.
Your gift will celebrate your friend or loved one by protecting the water, wildlife, forests, and working farms of Virginia in their name.
When you make a memorial gift or a gift to honor someone or people who are special to you (or just because you care), we will send a personalized card to their family (in the case of a memorial gift) or the person you are honoring, letting them know you have made a contribution in their honor. We will not share the donation amount.
You will also receive a personalized thank you letter acknowledging your gift.
If you have any questions, please call Kerry Roszel, Development Manager, at (540)-687-8441 or email her at kerry@landtrustva.org.
The Land Trust of Virginia (LTV) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.