Scenic viewshed within Journey Through Hallowed Ground preserved

RAPIDAN, Va., March 15, 2022 – The Land Trust of Virginia (LTV) is pleased to announce a conservation easement in Rapidan thanks to the generosity of landowners, John and Cyndy Grano. This 155-acre property falls within an area highly populated with conservation easements and so strengthens their effectiveness in providing wildlife corridors, watershed protection and more.
Grano’s property is highly visible from James Monroe Highway, a Virginia Byway and a National Scenic Byway within the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area. The property contains 102.8 acres of “Prime Farmland Soils” or “Farmland Soils of Statewide Importance” and 42.8 acres of floodplain associated with Crooked Run which flows along the western side of the property for over three quarters of a mile.
“Thank you to the Grano family for working with us to protect another critical property within Culpeper County,” said LTV Executive Director, Ashton Cole. “Development pressure continues to mount in this part of Virginia and conservation easements are our best tool to ensure open spaces remain for future generations.”
The Grano’s easement is the 239th easement completed by the Land Trust of Virginia. For more information about their work, please visit
About the Land Trust of Virginia
The Land Trust of Virginia is a nonprofit organization that partners with private landowners who voluntarily protect and preserve properties with significant historic, scenic, or ecological value. LTV has worked with 240 families, conserving a total of 30,721 acres in 31 counties in Virginia. While LTV charges landowners for their services, the fees charged only cover about 28% of LTV’s actual costs, so fundraising is essential to our mission.