Landowner: Montebello Rosse Trust (Colin and Andrea Rosse) Location: Orange, VA Protected Land: 548 acres

Montebello, by Andrea Rosse
Our beautiful family home in the heart of the Piedmont is a gorgeous slice of natural wonder. While looking out the back porch you cannot help but notice, especially at this time of year, the colorful trees against the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
We relish the fact that we can keep and protect our land which has not changed much since our forefathers began their lives here 270 years ago. Our land includes over 300 acres of woodlands which are home to a myriad of wildlife.
To our delight, deer, nesting bald eagles, turtles, fox, bear, and other creatures are often spotted.
There are also numerous streams and wetlands that run through the property which we are preserving in perpetuity.
Recently our son Rob was married in our terraced gardens that date back to the mid-eighteenth century. The occasion brought our whole family together along with many friends, making us appreciate and cherish our precious Montebello more than ever. Our home is not only a retreat but a historical treasure that we hope all future generations of our family will enjoy.